SIM Card New Rule : These people will not get SIM card for 3 years, government took strict action

SIM Card New Rule : These people will not get SIM card for 3 years, government took strict action
SIM Card New Rule : These people will not get SIM card for 3 years, government took strict action

The Department of Telecommunications has announced strict blacklisting rules to prevent cyber crime, which will come into effect from 2025. This initiative will prove helpful in preventing fake SIM cards and fraud.

The Department of Telecommunications has announced new strict rules to curb cyber crimes and provide a safe digital experience to citizens. The blacklisting process has been introduced to prevent fake SIM cards and spam messages. This move marks a significant change in digital security and cyber crime control.

Getting a fake SIM card will now be a crime

Under the new rules of the Department of Telecommunications, getting a SIM card on the basis of fake name and documents will now come under the category of crime. In such cases, the SIM cards of the culprits will be blocked immediately. This initiative is a concrete effort to protect the digital rights of citizens and prevent cyber fraud.

Blacklisting process and its impact

Under blacklisting, individuals found involved in fraud will be barred from getting a SIM card for 6 months to 3 years. This strict step is considered to be very effective in curbing cyber criminals and preventing such crimes again.

Government’s action plan
The government has issued guidelines to make the action against the culprits transparent and fair. The guilty persons will be given a notice, to which they will get 7 days to respond. However, if there is a threat to public safety, the government can also take immediate action.

New rules will be implemented from 2025
The Department of Telecommunications has announced that blacklisting and strict SIM verification process will be formally implemented from 2025. Under this, a database called “Repository of Person” will be created, in which information of cyber criminals will be recorded.

Provisions included in the new Telecom Act

Cyber ​​security has been given priority in the new Telecom Act (Telecom Act 2024) notified in November 2024. This Act clearly defines the digital rights of citizens and the government’s accountability towards cyber crimes.

Other cyber security efforts

To prevent forgery and fraud, the government has tightened the SIM card verification process. Along with this, other measures of message tracking and data security are also being implemented.

Importance of digital security

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become not only a necessity but an imperative. Fake SIM cards and cyber fraud pose a serious threat to personal data as well as national security. This initiative of the government is a big step towards creating a secure environment in the digital age.

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