Sebi New Rule: Changes in trading rules, new rules will be applicable from April 1, 2025

Sebi New Rule: Changes in trading rules, new rules will be applicable from April 1, 2025
Sebi New Rule: Changes in trading rules, new rules will be applicable from April 1, 2025

Sebi New Rule Market regulator SEBI has changed the rules of trading. However, the new rules will come into effect from the first day of the next financial year i.e. April 1, 2025. SEBI had issued a circular regarding these rules. This rule change will help traders a lot. Let us know in detail in this article.

Market regulator SEBI recently issued a circular. According to this circular, both the main stock exchanges of the stock market, NSE and BSE, were ordered to work as alternative trading venues. According to SEBI’s circular, now if trading stops due to any technical reason, it will be shifted. This rule will come into effect from April 1, 2024.

What does the new rule say

According to the new rule, if trading stops due to any technical problem in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), then the shares listed on BSE will trade in NSE. Similarly, if there is any problem in any stock in the National Stock Exchange (NSE), then the shares of NSE will trade on BSE.

SEBI has ordered that both the stock exchanges issue a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) within the next 60 days.

F&O trading will be offset

According to SEBI’s circular, NSE has to make a reserve list of BSE listed shares. Similarly, BSE will also have to make a reserve list of NSE listed shares. After this list is made, shares and index can be offset in F&O trading.

If there is any technical problem in the stock exchange, then information has to be given to the other stock exchange within 75 minutes.

Change in transaction fees

The transaction fees of both the stock exchanges have changed. Now the transaction fees for cash and futures and options trade have changed.

  • The fee for cash market in NSE is Rs 2.97/lakh traded value.
  • In the equity derivatives segment, the transaction fee in futures is Rs 1.73/lakh traded value.
  • At the same time, the transaction fee in options is Rs 35.03/lakh premium value.
  • In the currency derivatives segment in NSE, the transaction fee is Rs 0.35/lakh traded value.
  • In currency options and interest rate options, the transaction fee is Rs 31.1/lakh premium value.
  • In the currency derivatives segment in Bombay Stock Exchange, the transaction fee in futures contracts is Rs 45 and in options Rs 100 on turnover of Rs 1 crore.


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