Currently, this scheme is offering 7.5 percent interest. A lump sum investment is made in the Kisan Vikas Patra Yojana. You can invest a minimum of Rs 1000 in it. Although there is no maximum investment limit, you can invest as much money as you want in it.
Post Office Savings Schemes: Mainstream banks in the country provide many great facilities to their customers including savings accounts. This also includes many types of savings schemes. By investing in which you can earn a lot of money. Also, the post office is not behind the banks in attracting customers. Not only this, there are many such schemes of the post office where higher interest is being given compared to the banks. Here we are going to tell you about such plans of the post office, where you will get amazing returns.
Government scheme is getting 7.5 percent interest
. The name of this scheme of the post office is Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP). Currently, 7.5 percent interest is being given on this scheme. A lump sum investment is made in the Kisan Vikas Patra scheme. You can invest a minimum of Rs 1000 in it. There is no maximum investment limit, that is, you can invest as much money as you want in it. The most special thing about this scheme is that no matter how much money you invest, your money doubles on maturity.
Money doubles on maturity
Under Kisan Vikas Patra Yojana, your money doubles in 115 months i.e. 9 years and 7 months. If you have deposited Rs 5 lakh in this scheme, you will get Rs 5 lakh interest and after maturity you will get a total of Rs 10 lakh. Similarly, if you have deposited Rs 10 lakh in this scheme, you will get Rs 10 lakh interest directly and after maturity you will get a total of Rs 20 lakh.
The investors’ money will be completely safe.
The Kisan Vikas Patra Yojana of the Post Office is a completely safe scheme. The money deposited in it is completely safe and you get a fixed interest with a guarantee. This is a scheme of the Post Office and the Post Office works under the Central Government and provides services. Therefore, all your money invested in this scheme is completely safe.