Malaika Arora Yoga Pics : Malaika Arora did yoga wearing shorts in the sun, fans went crazy seeing her fitness, said – ‘Unlucky Arjun’

Malaika Arora Yoga Pics : Malaika Arora did yoga wearing shorts in the sun, fans went crazy seeing her fitness, said - 'Unlucky Arjun'
Malaika Arora Yoga Pics : Malaika Arora did yoga wearing shorts in the sun, fans went crazy seeing her fitness, said - 'Unlucky Arjun'

Malaika Arora Yoga Pics: Some pictures of Malaika Arora are creating a sensation on social media right now. In which the actress was seen doing yoga sitting in the balcony of her house.

Malaika Arora is a popular actress of B-town. She is in the news more for her fitness than her work. Even at the age of 51, the actress looks amazingly fit. This is the reason why fans also shower a lot of love on her. Now recently, the actress shared some of her photos doing yoga on the internet. Which are becoming increasingly viral.

मलाइका अरोड़ा अपने बिजी शेड्यूल के बीच भी सोशल मीडिया पर काफी एक्टिव रहती हैं. हाल ही में उन्होंने फैंस के साथ अपनी फिटनेस का सीक्रेट शेयर किया.

Malaika Arora remains very active on social media even amidst her busy schedule. Recently, she shared the secret of her fitness with fans.

मलाइका अरोड़ा ने योग करते हुए अपनी कई तस्वीरें अपने इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट पर शेयर की हैं. जिसमें वो धूप में योग करते हुए बेहद खूबसूरत लग रही हैं.

Malaika Arora has shared many pictures of herself doing yoga on her Instagram account. In which she looks very beautiful while doing yoga in the sun.

इन तस्वीरों में मलाइका ने जिम आउटफिट कैरी की है. हर तस्वीर में उनका एक अलग योगा पोज देखने को मिल रहा है.

In these pictures, Malaika is wearing a gym outfit. In every picture, a different yoga pose of hers can be seen.

एक्ट्रेस तस्वीरों में अपने घर की बालकनी में नजर आ रही हैं. वहीं धूप उनकी सुंदरता में चार चांद लगा रही है.

The actress is seen in the balcony of her house in the pictures. The sunlight is adding to her beauty.

एक्ट्रेस की इन तस्वीरों उनके फैंस बेशुमार प्यार लुटाते दिखे. कोई उन्हें फिटनेस डीवा तो कोई ब्यूटी क्वीन कह रहा है.

Fans are seen showering immense love on these pictures of the actress. Some are calling her a fitness diva and some are calling her a beauty queen.

वहीं एक फैन ने मलाइका की तस्वीरों पर कमेंट करते हुए लिखा, ‘अर्जुन कपूर बहुत ही अनलकी है...’

While a fan commented on Malaika’s pictures and wrote, ‘Arjun Kapoor is very unlucky…’

बता दें कि मलाइका अरोड़ा पिछले कई सालों से एक्टर अर्जुन कपूर को डेट कर रही थीं. लेकिन अब दोनों का ब्रेकअप हो चुका है.

Let us tell you that Malaika Arora was dating actor Arjun Kapoor for the last several years. But now both of them have broken up.


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