Maharashtra College News: Maharashtra colleges have demanded from the state government that these courses including BBA, BCA should be kept out of the purview of AICTE. Learn about the case in detail..
Colleges in Maharashtra have raised demands from the state government for these courses including Bachelor in Administration, Bachelor in Computer Application. Their demand is that these courses should be kept out of the purview of All India Council for Technical Education. The logic of the colleges behind this demand is that if this does not happen, the burden on the colleges will increase and they will have to hire double the faculty. Along with this, they will also have to invest more on infrastructure.
If this happens the name will change
According to TOI report, if the state accepts this proposal then the names of these courses will change. If this happens, BBA will become B.Com (Business Administration). BMS will be named as B.Com (Management Studies) and BCA will be known as B.Sc (Computer Applications). After this, these programs will run as per the universities under which they are running.
What do college principals have to say?
This decision was proposed by the AICTE Chairman in November 2023 and it was implemented in December. College principals are opposing this decision. He says that we have written a letter to the Mumbai University Authority in this regard and told that we are facing difficulty in running this course under the norms of AICTE.
In fact, to run courses under the rules of All India Technical Education, colleges will have to make many changes in their infrastructure and faculty. This will increase expenses and the number of faculty will also reduce.
What does the UGC Chairman say?
In this regard, the UGC Chairman has listened to the college principals and has advised that instead of B.Com, this program should be named BS i.e. Business Administration. Bachelor of Science degrees are recognized at the international level and after doing them, students do not face any problem in doing Masters. It will become clear in a few days what decision the government takes in this regard.