Hair Loss Causes: Your hair starts falling due to these five reasons, adopt these solutions soon to stop baldness.

    Hair Loss Causes: Your hair starts falling due to these five reasons, adopt these solutions soon to stop baldness.
    Hair Loss Causes: Your hair starts falling due to these five reasons, adopt these solutions soon to stop baldness.

    There is hardly anyone who does not love his hair. Hair adds to your beauty. However, due to many reasons your hair starts falling which becomes a matter of concern for many people. Many people often take hair loss lightly but it can become the cause of baldness. In such a situation, let us know some reasons for hair fall and its remedies-

    Hair Loss Causes: The effect of rapidly changing lifestyle is visible not only on our health but also on our hair. These days everyone is troubled by hair fall and many other problems. Due to wrong eating habits and other reasons, the problem of hair fall often starts. Falling hair often reduces your beauty and confidence. In such a situation, it is important to quickly find out the cause of hair fall and find its solution.

    If you are also troubled by the problem of hair fall, then today in this article we will tell you about some possible reasons for hair fall and its solutions-

    nutritional deficiencies

    These days, people’s eating habits are deteriorating rapidly. In such a situation, due to lack of nutrients in the body, not only health is harmed, but it also has a deep impact on the hair. Due to lack of biotin, your hair starts falling. Apart from this, not eating Vitamin C and iron deficiency also causes hair fall.

    Solution: To prevent hair fall, include nutrient-rich foods in your diet. If you want, you can also take advice from a health expert for this.

    Stress and Physical Trauma

    Emotional and physical stress triggers a condition called telogen effluvium that can contribute to hair loss. Due to excessive stress, hair fall may increase. Because of this, hair starts falling just by combing or washing your hair.

    Solution: Try to manage stress to prevent hair fall caused by stress . For this you can take help of relaxation techniques, meditation, regular exercise and healthy work life balance.


    Sometimes the problem of hair fall can also be due to genetics i.e. family history. This is known as androgenetic alopecia, which can lead to baldness in most people.

    Solution: Although you cannot change your genetics, you can slow or reduce hair loss with the help of some medicines as advised by your doctor.

    autoimmune disease

    A condition called alopecia areata causes the immune system to attack the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Although alopecia areata can cause hair loss anywhere on the body, it most commonly affects the head and face.

    Solution: Treatment options vary and may include corticosteroids, immunotherapy, or other medications prescribed by a health professional.

    bad hair habits

    These days, people use many types of things on hair for styling, due to which hair starts getting damaged and due to this hair fall starts happening.

    Solution: Adopt right methods for hair care. Minimize heat styling, avoid tight hairstyles and use the right products for your hair.

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