Acidity Problem In Pregnancy: Are you also troubled by gas formation during pregnancy? You will get relief from these 6 home remedies

    Acidity Problem In Pregnancy: Are you also troubled by gas formation during pregnancy? You will get relief from these 6 home remedies
    Acidity Problem In Pregnancy: Are you also troubled by gas formation during pregnancy? You will get relief from these 6 home remedies

    Acidity Problem In Pregnancy: Most women have gas problem during pregnancy. Due to weak digestion, acidity is common in this condition. For this, these solutions may be useful to you.

    Acidity Problem In Pregnancy: During pregnancy, a mother takes care of the child in her womb for 9 months. During this period, women also have to face many types of physical problems. Due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, the level of progesterone hormone starts increasing. In such a situation, the muscles of the digestive system become loose, due to which digestion becomes weak and the problem of gas arises. If you also have to face the problem of gas during pregnancy, then you can get relief from it through these tips.

    What to do if you have gas problem during pregnancy?

    Take a liquid diet.

    It is very important to drink water during pregnancy. It helps in the development of the child in the womb. At the same time, it also helps in improving digestion. In such a situation, drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day. Keep in mind to drink water from a glass only. If you drink water from a bottle, air may enter your stomach.

    Do exercise.

    Lack of physical activity during pregnancy can also cause problems like flatulence and gas. In such a situation, do some light exercise. Keep in mind that whatever exercise you do, do it only under someone’s supervision.

    Drink lukewarm water:

    Drink lukewarm water during pregnancy. This makes the digestive system work well. At the same time, there is no problem of gas and flatulence.


    Women who have problems with gas and flatulence during pregnancy can also consume cardamom. This may give you relief. If you want, you can also drink cardamom tea.

    Mint Tea

    Mint tea helps in providing relief from constipation, gas and indigestion. Its consumption is very beneficial during pregnancy.

    Cumin water:

    If you have a lot of gas problem during pregnancy, then definitely drink cumin water. For this, soak cumin seeds in water overnight and filter it and drink it in the morning.


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