Land Rules And Law: Has your land been forcibly taken over? How to take legal action?

Land Rules And Law: Has your land been forcibly taken over? How to take legal action?
Land Rules And Law: Has your land been forcibly taken over? How to take legal action?

Land Rules In India: Every person dreams of having their own house, plot or property at least once in their life. To fulfill this dream, many times people start buying land directly or invest a small amount of money in it. As we know that buying a plot is not easy and requires a huge investment, so investing in the real estate sector gives good returns in the future. In such a situation, one should be very careful while buying a plot or investing in land.

Every person dreams of having their own house, plot or property at least once in their life. To fulfill this dream, many times people start buying land directly or invest a small amount of money in it. As we know that buying a plot is not easy and requires a huge investment, so investing in the real estate sector gives good returns in the future. In such a situation, one should be very careful while buying a plot or investing in land. If you are also thinking of buying a plot , then we are going to tell you some important things.

Why is it important to conduct a thorough investigation before buying land?
Any person invests a large amount of his lifetime income in buying a plot or land. In such a situation, while buying a plot or land, it is very important to find out how financially and legally safe it will be to invest in the land he is going to buy in the future. If you are buying any land, then first you should check whether the land is disputed in any way? Or whether it is legally saleable or not.

Before buying land, make sure that the person selling your land is the real owner. That person has all the rights to transfer the ownership of the land or plot in your name.

Before making a land transaction, documents like the sale agreement and property tax receipt should also be checked. For this, you can contact a lawyer. Get all the relevant documents or certificates from the person selling the land. Check all the documents related to the land carefully. Apart from this, to avoid any dispute, one should know the records of the last 30 years, keeping in mind the limitations that come while claiming property rights.

How to prepare before buying land?
Before buying land, start with the basics. Since you are investing a large amount of money while buying a land or plot, buy land from a trusted person or appoint an intermediary. If you are investing in property, find land with the help of someone you know. Contact a property agent or property consultant who has detailed knowledge about the land in the relevant area. By doing this, you will not get into any wrong transaction. If you have chosen a land or plot for investment, then you should schedule a meeting with the owner of the concerned land. In this meeting, along with checking all the documents related to the land, their identity cards such as PAN card, identity card, Aadhaar card, land registration, etc. can also be checked. Before finalizing the agreement, one should inquire once from the people living around the land or the neighbors. Old records regarding the land should be found. It is also a good habit to get information about any ongoing disputes regarding the land.

Verify legal documents
Before purchasing any land, it is necessary to check the legal documents of that land. For this, you can go to the Sub-Registrar office in your area and get the legal documents related to the land. For this, you have to fill a search application in the Sub-Registrar office and submit it to the SRO. Along with the form, you should also attach a copy of the title deed and your identity proof.

Through this application given to the Sub-Registrar’s office, you can get information about land-related transactions, changes in ownership, legal obligations. The process of obtaining a property search report from the Sub-Registrar’s office is different in each state. For example, in Bangalore, the Sub-Registrar issues the Encumbrance Certificate (Search Report), while in Maharashtra, an advocate or an experienced person registered with the Sub-Registrar’s office prepares the report. However, before the property transaction is finalized, the concerned authorities must also verify the legal documents.


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