Good News! Getting a driving license will be even easier, this big change is going to happen

Good News! Getting a driving license will be even easier, this big change is going to happen
Good News! Getting a driving license will be even easier, this big change is going to happen

Driving Licence Transport Department Update: Now people will not have to run around much to get a driving license. The Transport Department is preparing for a new change, which will make it easier to get a permanent DL.

Driving Licence New Update: Getting a driving license is a very hectic job. Especially to get a permanent driving license, people have to visit the RTO office. But the Transport Department is now considering making the process of making a driving license easier. After this, permanent DL can be made even on the basis of temporary address. Not only this, people will be able to get DL even while living in another city.

A major initiative by the Transport Department

If media reports are to be believed, the Transport Department is preparing for a big change. This will provide a lot of convenience to the applicants. People applying for DL ​​will be able to get a permanent driving license from any city and they will not even need to go to the RTO to give the driving test.

What are the rules now?

Let us tell you that according to the current system, learner’s license can be made from anywhere. After the start of faceless facility, applicants can get DL made from any city. DL is made according to the address written on their Aadhar card.

However, this facility is not available on permanent DL. Online application facility is available in NIC’s software. After application, the fee is also deposited. But when the applicant reaches the RTO office to get the DL, he is turned away. To get DL also, the applicant has to go to the RTO office of the city of his real address.

People won’t have any problem

Despite having a temporary address ID card, a large number of people are unable to get a permanent DL. In view of the problems of the people, the Transport Department has planned this big change. When and how will this scheme be implemented? Not much information has been revealed on this yet.


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