8th Pay Commission: As soon as the 8th Pay Commission is implemented, the salary of central employees will increase by 186%, see the calculation

8th Pay Commission: As soon as the 8th Pay Commission is implemented, the salary of central employees will increase by 186%, see the calculation
8th Pay Commission: As soon as the 8th Pay Commission is implemented, the salary of central employees will increase by 186%, see the calculation

8th Pay Commission: Currently 7th Pay Commission is in force. Now central employees are waiting for the 8th Pay Commission. After the implementation of this commission, there will be a great increase in the salary of the employees. Along with the salary, the pension amount will also increase. When will the 8th Pay Commission be implemented? Know the answer to this in this article.

All central employees are currently getting DA hike and salary hike under the 7th Pay Commission. Now the employees are looking forward to the 8th Pay Commission.

No official information has been given by the government regarding the 8th Pay Commission. But, according to media reports, the 8th Pay Commission may be implemented in next year’s general budget 2025. Apart from this, according to media reports, the employees hope that after its implementation, the minimum salary may increase by 186 percent.

How much will the salary be

Currently, the basic salary of employees under the 7th Pay Commission is Rs 18,000. After the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, the salary of the employees increased by Rs 6,000. According to experts, after the implementation of the 8th Pay Commission, the fitment factor can be 2.86. It is expected to increase by 29 basis points. If the government implements the fitment factor 2.86, then the salary of the employees can increase by 186 percent to about Rs 51,480.

With the increase in the fitment factor, the pensioner will also benefit along with the employees. Actually, if it increases, the pension amount will also increase.

Pensioners hope that after the implementation of the 8th Pay Commission, the pension will increase by 186 percent to Rs 25,740. Currently the pension amount is Rs 9,000. The pension will be Rs 25,740 when the fitment factor is 2.86.

When will the 8th Pay Commission be implemented

  • There has been no official announcement of the implementation of the Eighth Pay Commission yet. However, according to media reports, it may be announced in the budget of the next financial year (Budget 2025-26). By the way, the employees had demanded the implementation of the Eighth Pay Commission in the last budget.
  • There is a meeting of the National Council in December this year. In this meeting, the implementation of the Eighth Pay Commission can be clear. Although this meeting was to be held in November, but later it was postponed to December.


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